Why strength training and intervals?
This mix of training is hands down THE best and most efficient way to lose body fat, change body composition, increase lean muscle mass (i.e. get toned) and burn calories while you’re resting (yes, WHILE YOU ARE RESTING!). We do this by stimulating something really cool called the metabolic afterburn. In addition, other side effects include: increased strength, stamina, energy and bone density; improved sleep, posture, confidence and assertiveness; better ability to manage stress and handle whatever life throws at you, and best of all – feeling empowered and good about your body.
Will I get bulky?
Bulky? No. Kick ass? Yes. Our style of training raises calorie burning and encourages the loss of body fat, while at the same time building lean muscle mass – resulting in a leaner, firmer and smaller body.
Can I join if I have an injury, can’t run or can’t do impact training?
Yes, absolutely. Our trainers Lisa and Nina want to help you and can still work with you in the group setting by moderating exercises so that they are safe and complementary to your healing. Some of the women that train with us have injuries or health issues which mean they can’t participate in running or high-impact movements such as jumping. But the great news is that you don’t need to be able to run or jump to get awesome results with #coogeechicksthatlift and you can be assured that you will never get left behind.